Kid’s Ministry
But Jesus called for the little ones, saying, “Allow the children to come to Me, and do not forbid them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” Luke 18:16-17

What to Expect
From the time your child enters our children’s building, we want him/her to feel safe and comfortable. It’s our desire to partner with you in the nurture and care of your little ones. At the entrance to our children’s building hallways, volunteers will assist you with our check-in process and help your son or daughter locate their group. While they are here, we want them to know the following truths:
I can trust God no matter what.
I can believe what God says.
I can make wise choices.
We all learn better by repetition, so we encourage parents to talk with their children about the things they are learning and by doing so, establish a strong, biblical foundation upon which they can build their lives.
What grades are included in Kids Ministry?
Preschoolers from birth through five years old meet on the first-floor hallways and kids in grades 1 – 5 meet on the second floor hallways.
When and Where does the Kids Ministry meet?
- Sunday Mornings
9:45am – 10:45am, preschoolers from birth through age 5 meet on the first floor of the children’s building with kids in grades 1 – 5 meeting on the second floor
- Children’s Worship
A worship experience designed for 1st and 2nd graders attending Sunday morning worship services. Children are dismissed (per an announcement on the big screen) during the worship service and joined by adult leaders at the rear of the worship center. Together, they proceed to the second floor of the children’s building where they will enjoy specific activities designed for this age. Parents may accompany their children or pick them up at the second floor welcome desk following the service.
- Mid-Week for Children
Kids Praise – Wednesday nights during the school year, children learn skills to listen, sing and praise God through music. Ages 3 – 5th Graders meet from 5:45pm to 6:30pm on the second floor of the children’s building.Team Kid – Wednesday nights during the school year offers engaging missions’ videos and activities, Bible memory games and application of Bible truths and fun activity-based learning all while helping your kids grow to be more like Jesus. Ages 2-5th Graders meet from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.A family night meal is served in the Perry Fellowship Hall from 5:00pm until 6:30pm at a minimal cost.
- Special Needs Ministry
A Special Needs Ministry is offered to children with special needs.
When possible children are mainstreamed into an appropriate classroom and provided a “buddy” who is specifically trained to assist the child in integrating fully into the classroom experience.
Where that is not possible, a trained person cares for the special needs of the child in the Special needs classroom (Room 119) on the first floor preschool hall.
Can I volunteer to help?
Volunteers are essential to the ministries of First Baptist, as we could not do what we do without them. Those interested in volunteering in our Preschool, Children, and Student Ministries should contact our ministry offices to find out more about the opportunities to serve. Our SafeWatch Policy explains our guidelines for volunteers in these ministries. (Click the Child Safety Training Link below).